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Foulds School

Growth Mindset & Metacognition

At Foulds we believe in everyone - children, staff and all stakeholders - having a growth mindset.

What is Growth Mindset?

Growth mindset (based on the work of Carol Dweck) is the belief that our brains are a muscle and, like every other muscle in our body, when we exercise it, our brain can grow. We exercise our brain by challenging ourselves in our daily life, not giving up when we find something difficult, but persevering.

Why do we love mistakes?

Mistakes help us to learn. Mistakes are normal when we try hard things - so you know that if you are making a mistake, you are challenging yourself in your learning.​

What is the Learning Pit?

The learning pit is where we find ourselves when we are finding our learning tricky. We enjoy being in the learning pit; in the pit we say we are finding something tricky or that we do not understand. We use our time in the pit to look for connections with our past learning and for clues to help us back out of the pit. We can work independently, with friends and with our teacher to climb out of the pit.

Do I have a Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset?

Take the KS1 quiz or KS2 quiz and find out! If you have a fixed mindset - don't worry - it is never too late to start changing! Jump in the learning pit with us - everyone is welcome!

This all sounds very interesting, how do I find out more?

Watch this clip: 



Have you read Matthew Syed's book 'You are Awesome'?

Some useful clips and quizzes:

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

Growth Mindset Quiz Key Stage 1 

Growth Mindset Quiz Key Stage 2