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Foulds School

Tough Times

Tough Times and Support Available

We are always available to support families through tougher times. If you feel your child or your family would benefit from help then please do contact the school office and we can arrange an appointment with the appropriate staff member.

Knowing the financial concerns that many people will face this year we wanted to collate some information for you into one space to help you know where you might be able to turn for support and what the school can offer.  

General support:  any parent who is struggling can come and speak to Kim Sanett, Headteacher, confidentiality.  We are able to access foodbank vouchers for families who need it, as well as put you in touch with other means of support. 

Also see: https://www.barnet.gov.uk/benefits-grants-and-financial-advice/cost-living-support 

Foulds food bank: we are looking to set up a Foulds foodbank to help our school community as well as our local families.  We will keep a cupboard of non-perishable goods and if you or someone you know needs, you will be able to come and take what you require.   When we have sorted out a suitable location, we would love donations to start us off. We will continue to do our termly collections for the official food bank but we feel having something easily accessible is a great first step.   

Uniform: the Fouldscycle WhatsApp group is a great way to get your hands on second hand uniform for a small donation.  Items offered to date have not only included preloved uniform, but also toys, bikes and furniture.  You can join by speaking to your Class Rep.

The school has a second hand uniform sale at the end of every term and also holds a few sets of spare clothes, so if you need something and are struggling, please pop in and see the office or myself and we can get you one ready.

Trip support: any parent that cannot afford trips, please speak to the headteacher or the office - we will potentially be able to support.  Whilst trips cannot go ahead if we do not have the majority of people paying, we can offer the trip at a slightly subsidised amount if that would help.  Some parents have very kindly said they would be happy to put a bit extra in to trip payments to support those who were finding it difficult.  If you wish to do this, you can go on 'trip support fund' on School Money.  The school can and will never make a profit and all money collected will go towards supporting families who need or bringing down costs of trips in general.

General events e.g. dress up days: we want to make sure that these are always accessible to everyone.  We are going to give dates out as early as possible for these and encourage simple themes like wearing pyjamas or wear your own clothes and make a mask/hat.

PTA events: as a school and PTA, we agree that no family should feel excluded from any event.  The PTA has therefore agreed to a number of tickets for each of their events being held back so that they can be given to any families who may not otherwise be able to attend.  Thank you to the PTA for working with us on this and for always supporting the school.


Some useful links:


https://www.good-thinking.uk/coronavirus/how-to/cost-living-crisis-how-look-after-your-mental-health/ Cost of living support