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Foulds School

Our Governors

What Do Our Governors Do?

Governors are there to help the school run effectively. We are not involved in the day to day running of the school (termed operational matters) but are involved in helping the school to choose what direction it wants (termed strategic matters). Governors are involved in planning the strategic direction of the school, overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring that money is well spent and holding the head teacher and school leadership to account.

The Foulds Governing Body is made up of staff, parents, local authority members and community members. There are two committees, the Curriculum & Welfare Committee and the Resources Committee. Each committee meets once a term and the Full Governing Body (FGB) meets once a term also. The Resources Committee oversees, amongst other things, the school premises, the school budget, staffing and health and safety. The Curriculum & Welfare Committee oversees, amongst other things, pupil attainment and progress, children with special educational needs, safeguarding and pupil behaviour. Governors go into school at regular intervals to understand how the curriculum is delivered and talk to the children about their learning and provide feedback to their relevant committee. The chair of each committee then provides a report at the FGB meeting.


Our Governors (ID 1042)

  • Kavita Band
    Chair of Governors, Parent Governor
  • Sara Starr
    Vice-Chair of Governors, Parent Governor
  • Madeleine Lustigman
    Chair of Resources Committee, Parent Governor
  • Tom Knott
    Chair of Curriculum and Welfare Committee, Co-Opted Governor
  • Kim Sanett
    Headteacher, Staff Governor
  • Malini Dhawan
    Co-Opted Governor
  • David Longstaff
    LA Governor
  • Colin Shaw
    Parent Governor
  • Paul Southern
    Parent Governor
  • Sue Warrington
    Co-Opted Governor
  • Francesca Castagno
    Parent Governor
  • Katie Dawbarn
    Co-opted Governor
  • Tasleem Kanji
    SENCo & Inclusion Lead