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Foulds School

Special Educational Needs

Pupils with SEND make strong progress because of the early identification of their learning needs and the quality of provision made for them.

Teachers and support staff provide strong support for pupils with SEND. Well-planned activities give pupils opportunities to consolidate their learning and build on their knowledge and skills. The expertise of adults helps pupils to make strong progress from their starting points.

-Ofsted 2019

We believe that every pupil has the right to access a broad and balanced curriculum to engage in an education that encourages them to reach their own personal potential through challenge and support. Our curriculum is engaging for all our pupils and provides suitable learning opportunities so that every child can progress, from their own starting points, building on their knowledge and understanding, through an engaging and inspirational curriculum. The children’s curiosity is piqued through the selection of interesting topics and learning activities.

Our curriculum supports the children to become well rounded individuals. Our school values of Responsibility, Teamwork, Kindness, Resilience and Self-Belief, support the children to build their characters and moral and ethical frameworks so that they are outward looking citizens contributing within their local and wider communities. These values are a golden thread through the school and children are encouraged to regularly embody these in their daily actions.

The 'Local Offer' provides information for children and young people with special educational needs or disability (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. Details of Barnet's SEN Local Offer can be found by clicking here.

Foulds' Inclusion Leader and SENDCo is Tasleem Kanji.

Mrs Kanji can be contacted through the office or by email at senco@foulds.barnet.sch.org.