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Foulds School

Physical Education


Physical Education is vital and unique in its contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development and health. The PE curriculum therefore aims to provide all pupils opportunities to develop self-confidence, teamwork, understanding of the benefits of exercise and an ability to cope with resilience when challenged.

Children will leave with the knowledge, skills and understanding to demonstrate competence and confidence in a range of physical activities including dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, athletics and outdoor adventure activities. This will make them confident and curious to explore new opportunities and pursue healthy, active lives.


  • PE is taught twice a week at Foulds, usually one outdoors (games/athletics) and one indoors (gymnastic/dance). Swimming is taught in Key Stages 2 (two terms in Y34 and one term in Y56). School trips allow for opportunities to explore adventurous activities. All For Sport (AFS) will teach some lessons across the school during PPA slots.
  • The PE Progression Skills Map provides an overview of the skills children develop moving up the school. Lessons therefore build upon their learning from prior year groups.
  • PE resources are kept in the KS1 and KS2 Sports cupboards. Lessons can be delivered in the school hall, playgrounds and the Byng Road playing field for PE activities plus the pool at QE Boys’ school for swimming lessons.
  • Curriculum planning in PE is carried out in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short-term) with the PE lead ensuring a range of sporting activities being taught. Val Sabin is used as the core scheme of work, but teachers also develop their own ideas where appropriate.
  • Work is mainly practical but may on occasion be recorded for assessment.
  • Children’s knowledge, skills and understanding is developed through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual or group activities. Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children and encourage the children to evaluate their own work as well as the work of other children. 
  • Physical development of children in EYFS is an integral part of the work in the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum as the physical development objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals.
  • All children have access to the PE curriculum so there will be provision made to ensure that all abilities can participate and any disability or religious belief is catered for. All children have the opportunity to develop their skills throughout the PE curriculum. Plus opportunities to compete in intra-school events such as inter-house competitions and represent the school in inter-school  sports facilitated by the Barnet Partnership for School Sport (BPSS). 
  • A range of extra-curricular clubs are offered for all abilities and all key stages.
  • Links to local sports clubs are forged to create pathways for children to pursue their sporting interests outside of school